Audio:QS080201.AIF C-box:This ancient civilization gave the world hieroglyphics, the 365-day calendar, and the first national government. BallLoc:#none LineNum: GeoBytesUsed:6 PaletteNeutralPic: stuff:blankthing A-box or Headline6:N/A Correct:Egypt*QS080202.AIF* Wrong 1:Roman Empire Wrong 2:Indus Valley Civilization Wrong 3:Mesopotamia Wrong 4:West African Empires Wrong 5:Maurya Empire Wrong 6:Hittite Empire Wrong 7:Mongol Empire Wrong 8:Byzantine Empire GeoByte1:The most popular beverage in ancient Egypt was beer. GeoByte2:Egyptians believed cats were sacred creatures and buried them in gold coffins. GeoByte3:The Great Pyramid at Giza, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, contains more than 2,000,000 building blocks. GeoByte4:Hieroglyphics, the Egyptian system of writing, used more than 700 different symbols. GeoByte5:The Egyptians mummified the bodies of their dead to preserve them for the afterlife. GeoByte6:Egyptian shipbuilders invented sails and were the first to make ships out of wooden planks. GeoByte7: GeoByte8: GeoByte9: GeoByte10: PictCasts:["HQ080110.PIC", "HQ080210.PIC", "HQ080310.PIC", "HQ080410.PIC", "HQ080510.PIC", "HQ080610.PIC", "HQ080710.PIC", "HQ080810.PIC", "HQ080910.PIC", "HQ081010.PIC", "HQ081110.PIC", "HQ081210.PIC"]* VideoReward:#none Palette:#default StartVideo:HQ080250.MOV EndVideo: MapPictCast: Glossary Start Glossary End